Accredited IEN Programs


Accredited Programs for Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN)

Only IEN Bridging Programs successful in achieving accreditation status from the IEN-CASN Accreditation Bureau (IEN-CAB), and within the term limit of the Accreditation Status granted, are eligible to state that they are a “CASN Accredited Program”. Any other use of the term without written CASN approval will result in legal action.

View all of the CASN Accredited Canadian Nursing Education Programs.

The following IEN Bridging Programs are currently Accredited by the IEN-CAB. They are listed in the language in which they are offered.

Is it time to get accredited?

Let’s talk about your school, your students, where you are in terms of accreditation, and how we can work together to help your program stand out from the crowd! Call 613-235-3150 x 124 or email Joni Boyd <> today! Joni is CASN’s very knowledgeable and helpful Managing Director of Accreditation.

The Value of Accreditation Brochure

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